Recap of What Qualifies as Sin…

I would like to write a song… let’s do it… one example…


I have sin, and I don’t care

You have sin and you don’t care

the world has sin and no one cares

we all lose in the end.


Here’s the truth. If you want it: (Disclaimer- If you do not like truth- this is NOT the site for you).

Sin is sin. Little; big; teeny tiny; massive continuous. It is the same. Jesus had to die that you could overcome your sin.

I think I used a dirty word there; overcome. Yep. Most of the world we live in determined that the word Overcome was a nasty, dirty word. Why? Because to overcome would mean that the choices being made were choices, not just “the way you are born”.

Overcoming- (… But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 4:7)

We were all born with sin. Meaning, we came into a world turned over to darkness, and we all have a pre-orientation to sin. My sin is different than someone else’s, but no less hinging on the work of the cross.

Sin is what separates you from God. The sins most often outlined are the 10 Commandments.

Worship-ONLY God

Keep the Sabbath Holy



Honoring thy Father and Mother







That’s a great start isn’t it? I mean if you save yourself from doing all of those things- it’s a pretty mellow, happy life, isn’t it?

That was the goal. He gave us a guidebook to this life. After the 10 commandments we had to get more specific because by Human nature, we want to push the line in the sand. Don’t we? How far can I go, before it’s sin? Once you know the Lord; and by that I mean that you have asked forgiveness of your sins, acknowledge that He is Lord of your life, and that His son Jesus born of a virgin (Mary), blameless died a sinners death on the cross for your sins and mine. Once you know Him that way this verse comes into play.

 “No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.” 1 John 3:9

That means, once you know Him. You should feel conviction that what you are doing is wrong when it is sin. You know. You can tell me you don’t, and if you don’t maybe you should evaluate and pray about your relationship with the Lord. I know. When I am even tipping on the line, I know. I have to make a decision to cross over. I do cross over sometimes. I have to repent- —Turning from sin (“But if a wicked person turns away from all the sins they have committed and keeps all my decrees and does what is just and right, that person will surely live; they will not die. Ezekiel 18:21)— and ask Him to forgive me. It’s exactly like a relationship with your mother or your father- once you apologize- genuinely- there is a reconnect of the wounded heart to your repentant heart. He is a loving father. His desire is to be with you always, to guide you and give you hope for your future- no matter what the present looks like. Our sin, causes Him distress. When we allow our sin to become our daily life- example- an adulterer, a pathological liar, a gambler, a homosexual, a facebook over God idol worship, a person who uses His name in vain daily; we have given our lives back over to the sin nature we were born into- We sever our own connection with Him; although, He never leave us. 

I am flabbergasted at the way our Nation has turned. I am heartbroken and desperate for an awakening of the church. We are needed to turn our country back to Him.

No longer is a Christian able to express the Biblical beliefs the United States was founded on. Now when we express what we know sin to be- what the Bible declares sin to be, we are verbal and publicly called out as haters, and degraders of others. It is false. Our love for others causes us to declare what the word of God says, so that we can bring hope. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus; but beware, apart from Him, there is death. Why is it that the adulterers cry out that we are offending them? What about the liars, gamblers, thieves? Why is the only group that is publicly offended are the homosexuals? Why? Why are they the only group so determined to make us the ones that hate them, instead of acknowledging that we want only to give them the same gift we were given- eternal life?

Sin is SIN. You can’t take away or add to it. It is sin. When you sin, you fall short of the glory of God. If you aren’t in the glory of God you can not live in His presence when your time on this earth is over. When you have grace from God, He can forgive your sin. If you don’t know Him, you live apart from His grace.

It’s not a hate message, it’s a love message. He gave us His word, because more than anything, He wants His creation with Him in the Mansion He has prepared for you.  (Side Note: If you are gay and believe God created you that way- it would be theologically impossible; since it would go against His very nature.) It’s about love. If American’s that are believers and followers of Jesus do not begin standing up, we will be unable to combat our rights vs. offense in this nation. We the People. We are One Nation Under God. In God We Trust. If you continue to allow the government to mandate what is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, our children will pay a high price. We can not leave this nation, forming lies and deceit to our children. That will not be my legacy! Will it be yours?

I know all about Pride that goes before the fall. ALL ABOUT IT! I lived it. I know what it is to be raised by a loving, kind man who adored his children, and served the Lord; who determined he was created to be a homosexual, and now so full of pride has no relationship with his children or grandchildren. I have my own theory for what makes the homosexual agenda so intense, and the fight so fierce; pride. It’s even a slogan right, “Gay Pride”. Begin praying that prideful spirits will be broken in our nation, for all. Not just those in sexual sins. But for all of us. We need a taste of what it is to be broken before the Lord.

Much love to you. sigh… just fight back. Our loved ones hang in the balance. I don’t want an eternity without my dad there; but when my time comes; I will be on a fast track to get to my beloved Jesus, no matter who has gone before or who will follow. He is the only one who died for me.


Blessings & Happy Memorial Day- Lift up those who have lost family and friends in service to the Country we have been proud to be citizens of.






Standing in the Fire

Hi All! I hope this Friday found you in bright spirits! 

I am soliciting your prayers today. I know a few people right now going through life events that have the potential to take out the generations behind them. I won’t list their names, but they are hurting; truly devastated by what has been allowed in their lives. Strength only lasts until you believe hope is gone. I need your prayers for renewed strength, a renewed fight to rise up in them.

They need you. In my own marriage, when the days were so black that I couldn’t see the flame of hope in the distance, I had folks I didn’t know standing in the gap for me. They need you dear gap. There are children involved, hurting, confused children. Please lift them up, the Lord know who they are.

On the earth today men encounter more temptation than ever before. The enemy has placed his attacks on men. He took what God intended for good and perverted it. He knows that if He can take the man out- the entire family falls in his wake.

The greatest problem facing our churches, isn’t people leaving when they turn 18. It is dads being lured away, and mothers being told by the church, that if it was adultery the Bible says you can get divorce. Why do you think the enemy uses this? Why is sexual perversion the largest sin ripping families apart, because the enemy knows the word, and he says, If I can get a man from the church to commit adultery, I get his whole family and the church will back me up. Adultery isn’t a reason to divorce your spouse. I know there are some of you, who have lived with this and said, “when is enough, enough?” There are times most anyone will tell you, “you have gone through enough. you have tried, let it be”. THANK THE LORD, Jesus didn’t say on His way to calvary, “I think I have gone through enough, send the angels, I have suffered too greatly.”

I know what it is to see repeated painful, family destroying behaviors come into my home, take a piece of what we have worked so hard for and walk out with my peace. I have lived it. I do live it. I know what it is to see the Lord Himself take hold of a man, who doesn’t want anything to do with Him, and turn his entire life around. I have seen it. At the end of everyday, I know I live everyday to bring glory to the Lord. It is my role in this marriage. Marriage wasn’t intended for our happiness, but for His good. Get a prayer grip on your marriage and you don’t let go. You don’t back down, you put the enemy in his place, remind him of where he is. Whose you are. You speak over the doors and windows of your house, and you let people call you crazy and foolish for going back to a man that could cheat, leave, destroy you again; and then you go into your prayer closet and you tell the Lord thank you, for giving you another day with your husband, and ask Him to teach you to love him the way the Lord loves you, to see beyond who he is, to what he will be. Not because you changed him, but because the Lord changed him. Your marriage isn’t any more yours than your money- you are a steward of the marriage covenant, handle it as though it was the Lord’s. He would forgive it, the same way He forgives every other sin in your life. The ones your spouse doesn’t even know about.

Let your marriage define who the Lord is. What He is capable of. DO NOT GIVE UP! He is able. I wish I could tell you everything I have walked through. I wish you could see my tears spilling onto a pillow night after night, asking the Lord why He allowed this. I wish you could see my husband run to the altar as one man, and walking back to me as another. Is he perfect? Nope. Does he still mess up? Yep, but don’t we all? We as women tend to exalt our husbands sin above our own. The Lord doesn’t calculate how much blood Jesus shed for each kind of sin. He sees only a pool of blood at His sons feet.

If you are a married woman, pray for your husband today, you can not fathom the temptation put in place to distract him from you, the Lord and your children. He can not fight this alone, he needs you! Your prayers, your attention, your com hither eyes and your love. True love isn’t a feeling. It is intentional care. It is working through situations you swore you wouldn’t work through in your immaturity before marriage. Pray for woman of God to become mature wives. Spiritually mature, marriage mature, mothering mature. We live in this culture that distracts mothers from their children and they are raising themselves around us while we text, play on the computer, chat on Facebook with people we truly don’t want to see in person, but will sacrifice our time to pretend with, while our children wait patiently for our attention. We ignore our husbands needs because we live over our means and have to work full time to supply the money to fund a lifestyle God didn’t intend, and we are tired from working, and doing the things the Lord intended for us as women.

We are missing the mark- not you- but me. I am missing the mark. Countless babies are being murdered on my watch. This is my time on this earth, He places us here for such a time as this. I am watching divorce stats rise, because I don’t want to get in someone else’s business or get in the mix. Thank the Lord He put His Holy finger in my dirt at the well. Thankfully He took an adulteress woman and turned her into a woman whose desire is to please her God and her man.

We will miss it, and our children will pay. We MUST answer the call to action. We must. Our grandchildren will be completely separated from the Lord if we do not do something now, with this generation. They aren’t satisfied with anything. They want more and more, and they want it now. If we do not teach the contentment that comes from quiet time with Jesus, we are missing it! We are not fulfilling our duty! My toes hurt from stepping on them. This hurts me, it’s a realization that is affecting me. If NOT me, then who? Who will be able to go in my place? NO ONE. I was created with a specific purpose, so were you, and we must ACT. I don’t know how the Lord will lead you to act, but when He whispers, yells nudges you, please obey; my babies may need your children to be leaders of their faith one day, your babies may need my babies to pray with them over a friend when they are standing around the water cooler at work in 15 years. They may need a miracle, but if they don’t know the God of miracles because our culture has replaced him with THINGS, what will they do?

My heart is burdened, I don’t know what to do, or where to start, but at some point we must say, “enough is enough”. I will follow the cross down whatever road it leads me. I will not bow to pressure of my workplace, my culture or MY HOME. For so many, that is the easiest place to fall, when it should be the ONE place there is a standard that is maintained. Heaven should be able to fall in my home, if it isn’t there, that atmosphere isn’t following me anywhere, and without it, without Him,  I can do nothing.

At some point Ladies, and Gents, we will be called to prosecution for our faith, big or small, life or death, job or unemployment. It is coming to that, do not believe that this will all just work itself out without your voice. Without HIM, nothing changes. People are losing their jobs over their beliefs, your security can not be your job! If your in debt work your way out, so that when your faith and beliefs are called into question, you can walk away. He is your provider, your sustenance, it’s all from Him. You didn’t give yourself that career, He did, do not doubt that He will fulfill your dreams desires and visions, if you would, but seek Him First. He will give it all to you. He owns a cattle on a thousand hills… and the HILLS!!! He owns them all! He created this world, do you believe He is unable to grant you good and perfect things, if you offend someone by speaking for your God?

David went against Goliath, not for what He would gain- but because an uncircumcised Philistine dared to utter a word against His God. We go to movies, hear the Lords name used deplorably and we stay for the rest of the movie, because we don’t want to lose money, and the movie won’t affect us… it won’t change us. It’s a lie. It’s a great lie, but it is most assuredly a lie. We will be changed. We will be affected and we will reap what we sow. What goes in, will come out.

I don’t know what I am trying to say here, I just know, I am not ok with the state of this world, the culture and worse the church. Our churches should have a divorce rate of 0%. He didn’t die for your marriages to fail!

When you see a friend going through something- offer to keep the children, give her or them a time to get away from it all. Provide encouragement, not fuel.

If the grass looks greener on the other side, you probably need to take better care of yours. : )

Blessings and so much love.
